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Thread: AMP BUZZ (ts9/compressor)

  1. #1
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    AMP BUZZ (ts9/compressor)

    Hello all... I have a 65 twin reverb RI... When I play with either the ts9 or the compressor on I have a crazy loud amp buzz going on. If I turn the pedal(s) off, the problem goes away. I recently re-tubed/biased the amp as well as set the amp hum adjustment. Just wondering if there was some secret or something else that I could do to eliminate the problem. When playing at practice or at a show, it gets to be a little embarrassing.

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Forum Member chuckocaster's Avatar
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    Re: AMP BUZZ (ts9/compressor)

    are you using batteries or a power supply? batteries are usually pretty quiet, and if it's a power supply, you might want to think about a voodoo labs pedal power 2. i have two of them and just love em, very clean power.

    also, are you placing the compressor first?

    we need a little more info to truly diagnose the problem.
    "don't worry, i'm a professional!"

  3. #3
    Forum Member
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    Jul 2008

    Re: AMP BUZZ (ts9/compressor)

    I am using a monster power conditioner for the pedals... This is my set up:

    PRS Hollowbody II>

    I am using a GCX Ground Control:

    Loop 1 (Pedal Board):
    -RMC III Wah
    -TS9/808 (mod)
    -TS9/808 (mod)
    -Analogman Bi-Comprrosser
    -Analogman Bi-Chorus
    -Vol. Pedal

    Loop 2: Microverb 4

    Loop 3: Black Cat Vibe

    Loop 4: Custom Audio Electronics Super Tremelo

    Loop 5: Line 6 DL4

    All going to a 65 twin Reverb RI.

    I am only having the buzzing with the TS9's and the comp. either together or alone the buzz is still there.

    I will try the batteries.... trying to go green though. I do expect some buzz/hum from the comp due to its nature, but it seems pretty loud.

    I hope this info helps with a diagnosis or some avenue for troubleshooting.

    Thanks again!

  4. #4
    Forum Member Rickenjangle's Avatar
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    Re: AMP BUZZ (ts9/compressor)

    With all those loops and all those pedals, I would think an open ground or ground loop would be the likely culprit.

    Try this: first power one of the pedals with a battery, and then the other. If you only have the hum with one pedal, you know that's your problem.

    Also, you could try to power the 2 offending pedals with a 1-spot adapter and a 1-2 splitter cable that one-spot makes for this. Sometimes, even if you think your power conditioner or whatever you're using has enough clean power - to under-power an array of pedals is an open invitation to hum and buzz.

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    that can show me what laughter means
    And we'll fill in the missing colors
    In each other's paint-by-number dreams..."

  5. #5
    Forum Member
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    Jul 2008

    Re: AMP BUZZ (ts9/compressor)

    Thanks for the input, I will try it and let you know what happens!

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