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Thread: Super Champ XD and Line6 owners?

  1. #1
    Forum Member AstroCreep's Avatar
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    May 2008

    Super Champ XD and Line6 owners?

    Hey guys, I have a question about two pedals for use with two amps. I was thinking about adding the Ibanez Tube Screamer (turbo) and Line 6 Uber Metal effects pedals to my amps. Being that the Super Champ XD and Line6 Spider III that I own already come with built-in effects. Is it a waste of money adding these effects pedals to my amps? or will they boost and enhance the sounds?

    At the moment I am using my amps for practice and fun. I love making my stratocaster produce metal sounds with both amps. As I progress, I can easily see myself upgrading my amp to something bigger and probably not with another modeling amp.

  2. #2
    Forum Member chuckocaster's Avatar
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    Re: Super Champ XD and Line6 owners?

    from personal experience, with the pod (kidney shaped one), i don't like pedals into modelers. YMMV, and like i said i use a POD to monitor through here at the house. so i what i'm saying is that i don't have the exact same gear as you.

    all that to say that i'm sure you could get some cool sounds with your gear, but i'd try before i buy.
    "don't worry, i'm a professional!"

  3. #3

    Re: Super Champ XD and Line6 owners?

    In my experience, Line6 amps don't respond to OD effects like tube amps do.

    In short, tube preamps can sound great when pushed by a booster or an OD. The input section of a Line6 amp is an analog/digital converter. When pushed too hard, this can sound like crap.

    You can use a distortion effect to color your sound, but keep in mind that boosting does not work like it does with a tube amp.

    Don't know about the champ.

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