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Thread: Options for powering multiple pedals:

  1. #1
    TFF Stage Crew
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    Options for powering multiple pedals:

    I'm building a second pedalboard & need some sort of power source. My current board sports a Voodoo Labs Pedal Power II, but looking around they're pricey, even used on eBay! I can't recall what I paid for the one I have now, but I must have been flush or gotten hooked up from a friend at GC or something.
    Are there any other power supplies you guys are using? Which ones are they & how do you find they work? Issues? Noise? Adequate juice? That kind of stuff-

  2. #2
    TFF Stage Crew
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    Re: Options for powering multiple pedals:

    In the past I'd tried one of those One-spot things that had it's own daisy-chain, but had tons of hum. I too use the PPII on my larger board.

    I've been lucky on my smaller board. My Strobostomp-2 tuner has an A/C out, so I just bought one of those daisy-chain things. I use a standard Boss PSA-120 power cable, then use the daisy-chain out to my others.

    I think because the few pedals I'm now using are somehow a little bit better wired than your average pedal, I'm escaping the hum problems.

    However, when I trot out the larger board, the PP2 is the bomb. AFAIK they were always $160-$170 new. Pricey indeed.

  3. #3
    TFF Stage Crew
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    Re: Options for powering multiple pedals:

    They're going anywhere from $80 to $160 on ebay. I'm just going to have to prowl, I guess.

  4. #4
    Forum Member Mesotech's Avatar
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    Re: Options for powering multiple pedals:

    Like PC, for the few pedals that I do use, I use the Boss PSA-120 and a daisy chain cable connected to my Boss TU-2 tuner. Never any hum problems, but the wall wart of the PSA-120 can sometimes be a pain. A power strip and good quality extension cord takes care of that issue though. It's an inexpensive solution that I tried before shelling out big bucks for something else. It turned out fine, and I haven't needed anything more yet.
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  5. #5
    TFF Stage Crew
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    Re: Options for powering multiple pedals:

    Meso--the new PSA-120 no longer has the wall wart--it's the slimline plug like a one-spot. Kinda cool.

  6. #6
    Forum Member Rickenjangle's Avatar
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    Re: Options for powering multiple pedals:

    Pete, I use the one-spot to power my DD20 on my board, 'cause I blew a gator power supply, which can't handle the current draw. I never get hum using the one-spot. I'll bet you got a faulty one...

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  7. #7
    TFF Stage Crew
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    Re: Options for powering multiple pedals:

    RJ I didn't have the DD-20 when I used the one-spot. I think what gave me trouble was the Dyna-Comp and Maxon delay I had on my board at that time--for some reason those two didn't play nice together with the other pedals and the one-spot. The PP2 fixed that problem.

    Probably if I had the one-spot now it would be fine with my current, smaller group of pedals.

  8. #8
    Forum Member mmcquain's Avatar
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    Re: Options for powering multiple pedals:

    Quote Originally Posted by Rickenjangle View Post
    Pete, I use the one-spot to power my DD20 on my board, 'cause I blew a gator power supply, which can't handle the current draw. I never get hum using the one-spot. I'll bet you got a faulty one...
    I've had 3 different 1-Spots on 3 different pedal boards and haven't had any trouble. These boards have ranged in size from about 4-5 pedals up to this (using a single 1-Spot)...

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  9. #9
    Forum Member Scablander's Avatar
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    Re: Options for powering multiple pedals:

    Quote Originally Posted by Rickenjangle View Post
    Pete, I use the one-spot to power my DD20 on my board, 'cause I blew a gator power supply, which can't handle the current draw. I never get hum using the one-spot. I'll bet you got a faulty one...
    I have a one-spot and don't get any hum either. I think Rickenjangle is on the mark.

  10. #10
    Forum Member trevorus's Avatar
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    Re: Options for powering multiple pedals:

    I have a 1-Spot. My first one died (which is pretty rare as I have seen), but Visual Sound replaced it right away! Great customer service.

  11. #11
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    Re: Options for powering multiple pedals:

    I've had no noise from my 1-Spot, either, but I'm only using three pedals at the moment (TU-2, Screamer clone, and a Voodoo Lab Micro Vibe). Maybe it's worse with more stomps.
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  12. #12
    Forum Member cdw2000's Avatar
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    Re: Options for powering multiple pedals:

    I use a Radio Shack "universal input" power supply that provides a well regulated 9V at 1.5 amp. Since it is universal input it uses a switching DC/DC converter so it is small, light and efficient (doesn't heat up). If you buy this, your choice of adapter tip is included, so just bring one of your pedals to make sure you get the proper tip.

    This is more than enough to power my six pedals including a digital reverb pedal and a digital delay pedal. I built my own distribution cable that does not daisy chain but rather distributes the power from a common point. This is better for noise isolation between pedals.
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  13. #13
    Forum Member jeru's Avatar
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    Re: Options for powering multiple pedals:

    Current Setup on homemade board (powered by One-Spot):

    IN --> Homebrew A/B (out to TU-2) --> OCD --> Dano Tremolo --> DD3 delay --> OUT

    Up to very recently I had just used batteries. I just recently added the delay (my first), and bought a one-spot cuz I they say that delays eat batteries like crazy and I was tired of unplugging input wires to save the batteries.

    One thing that I am super glad about is that all the pedals on the board disconnect the battery when there is a plug in the DC jack. Thus I can keep good batteries in the pedals, use the one spot, and if there is a hum problem at a given locale, I can just unplug the 4 DC plugs and fresh batteries are ready to go..

    I know this is elementary for the folks here, but it's a recent discovery for me, and I'm jazzed.


  14. #14
    Forum Member Rickenjangle's Avatar
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    Re: Options for powering multiple pedals:

    Jeru, I didn't realize that, either, until one day I noticed that my pedals were still powered up even without the supply plugs inserted. I just figured that the batteries would run flat, but they didn't.

    However, I wonder about the long-term effects of leaving batteries in the pedals - like, are they going to corrode and spill battery acid around inside the compartment...

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  15. #15
    TFF Stage Crew
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    Re: Options for powering multiple pedals:

    I've had more than a few MXR pedals that have been acid-etched inside because somebody left the 9V in there.
    BTW- I just went ahead & bought another PPII for my new board.

  16. #16
    Forum Member Totally bored's Avatar
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    Re: Options for powering multiple pedals:

    I do this.

    Seems like the price went up $30 since I bought mine. Works good and I don't recall any hum. She powers 7 pedals and can hold some extra goodies . Comes with extra inserts so you can custom cut for differant size pedals if you need to. I didn't but.... my rig sets up very quick and I find that important.

  17. #17
    Forum Member Rickenjangle's Avatar
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    Re: Options for powering multiple pedals:

    I see you've got the all-important 'harmonica compartment' filled with what looks like Marine Bands or Blues Harps. Good Call!

    (Although I use Special 20's because they have the plastic comb and my mustache hairs don't get caught like they do with the wood insert harps).

    I like that BCB-60. Very nice, and neat.

    "I'm gonna find myself a girl
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  18. #18
    Forum Member Totally bored's Avatar
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    Re: Options for powering multiple pedals:


    It is very nice and neat. Holds a bunch of Guitar picks , a slide, harps and lets not forget the mighty kazoo that can double as a weapon of mass destruction if needed. Love the BCB-60. Compact , light and sets up very quick.

  19. #19
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    Re: Options for powering multiple pedals:

    I really really like the BBE SupaCharger units. I have two of them.

  20. #20
    Forum Member Madmoon's Avatar
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    Re: Options for powering multiple pedals:

    Every piece of gear buzzes in my home. Guitars, amps, pedals and so on. I found it was due to the wiring in the house. Bad grounding. Granted I live in a left over shanty area cabin with wiring that the Smithsonian institution might be interested in. I'm talking about wood stoves and a little hatch by the kitchen sink to throw away fish heads and vegetables into the delta. The one spot or godlyke units that power 9 fx make for a very quiet set up anywhere, unless I'm playing too close to the usual suspects, and it cuts down on a whole lot of noise even at my home. So +1 for those powering units.

  21. #21

    Re: Options for powering multiple pedals:

    I've had a dunlop power brick for several years now, actually I've been shopping on the 'bay for a back up one. This thing has to fail eventually! :)
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  22. #22

    Re: Options for powering multiple pedals:

    Quote Originally Posted by Totally bored View Post
    I do this.

    Seems like the price went up $30 since I bought mine. Works good and I don't recall any hum. She powers 7 pedals and can hold some extra goodies . Comes with extra inserts so you can custom cut for differant size pedals if you need to. I didn't but.... my rig sets up very quick and I find that important.

    I fit a Fender tuner in the kazoo compartment of my BC60. It works well.

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